Monday, August 10, 2015

Moment in Time

"Before bed tonight, Ashby and I were chatting about living a long time, and how she'll be old like me when she has kids, and I'll be the 'papa' to her kids. Then she said, as she almost started crying, 'I hope papa and grandma kooky never die!'

My son related this poignant repartee to my wife and me, and we were truly moved. Ashby is a lovely and precocious child, and astonishes us with her grasp of complicated concepts. In all honesty, growing old is disconcerting to say the least. The balance between the mind and the physical body has tipped in the wrong direction. Once, I thought therefore I could do, but all has changed. Doing takes calculation, even after you THINK, no problem I can do that. The reality of deterioration, however daunting, always seems trivial and insignificant, when embraced by the unconditional love of the little ones. Their innocence and sharing is not prejudiced by age or gender, old people are just fine with them. My problems, drift away when I'm in their virtuous presence.

Four is Better

Dennis Turner "Tom..really..the influence u have had on so many always felt like there were at least four of you..i always found u a little scary..but count me among those whom u have given ur love and a kind nudge towards home. u have that gift that grows as u give it away."
An old, and each year when I say old friend it becomes more literal, friend has flattered and humbled me with his expression. We go along trying our damnedest to stay out of our own way, and even more so, out of the way of others, especially family and friends. So when a remark like the one Dennis allowed glides pleasantly by, your heart sings a little louder!