Winter darkness has descended. I never like adjusting to shorter days. My rhythm gets confused. Daily rituals, if you can categorize them as such, because they do vary, manifest themselves at the wrong time of day. It's disconcerting. These small, mostly inconsequential variations, are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The avalanche of commercialism has begun. The "season" has emerged in full force. The abundance of candy (sugar) from Halloween has yet to be completely consumed, and Christmas bargains already inundate us. I'll admit my abhorrence for excess is a personal problem, the rest of the family finds laughable. I think I'm considered a lovable curmudgeon and do get infected with their holiday enthusiasm, albeit reluctantly. To enhance the commentary I'll add a couple of photos from the Halloween extravaganza.
So here you have me with the grim reaper. Don't we look like fast pals, it won't be long now! And the rest of the Rahers all decked out for "trick or treating" which was a smashing success. You see this is how these holidays play out. I see the negative side and resist with limited vigor, feeling it's hoopla over nothing. It's intrusive, it's obligatory, it takes effort, then the guilt for resisting, participation, and ultimately a fine time, simply a roller coaster ride of self induced emotions. Am I nuts? That's what I ask myself each morning over coffee. This was just Halloween, the heavy hitters are waiting in the wings. Thanksgiving, Hanukkhah, Christmas, New Year, and throw in a birthday or two, and Veterans Day, well you get the picture. Sometimes I feel like a salmon swimming up stream. I love my family as individuals and I love being with them individually. But from a stress standpoint this is not my favorite time of year, but I'm sure when surrounded by smiling faces and the love that goes with them, I'll succumb to heartwarming joy. Lest they forget though, I'll remind them with my t-shirt!