Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fog City

I'm sure I have something to say, why else would I be sitting here typing. My problem is justifying writing at all. I look in the night sky and can't help being overwhelmed by infinity and the relation to the utter smallness of my thoughts. My time, our time, this time, passes so rapidly, sometimes I don't see the point in expressing thoughts, worthy thoughts, thoughts of past experiences, or even thinking at all. There's a futility in trying to find meaning. I find more meaning in futility. But then the human aspect emerges. We have to live together. So we better find some meaning in our common condition. You would think that would be a simple matter, like caring and sharing. Life is more complicated and there are so many factors in the human condition. Here is where I diverge because I get weighed down trying to balance our innate goodness with our obvious evil. Personally I find the scales tilted in favor of evil, visible in our constant greed, oppression and utter corruption. What then?

I turn to the children, specifically my grandkids. When the definition of love gets muddled on life's journey, for me it's rekindled in the moon light in their eyes, the sunshine in their smiles, the spring in their step, the gladness in their understanding, the realness of their hug. Their souls are free, but for how long? Right now I just wallow in their innocence and joy. When I'm with the little ones I'm transported, and thankfully so. At my age, remembering is a challenge, their antics, their laughter, their questions, all jog my memory. I can relive similar experiences, and smile in wonder at the human condition before.....

Bless the children!