Actually I had a preview of things to come the past two weeks. Fleet week roared into town, quite literally with the Blue Angels displaying their aerial delights. Also and at the same time, the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival rocked Golden Gate Park. I'm sure if you could view the city from high above it would appear overrun by ants. People everywhere! There were obvious obstacles to overcome, but each extravaganza was free and more than worthy. Excitement and enthusiasm was the general mood of all who came to share the wondrous entertainment. Multiple stages provided diverse musical talents and wandering from stage to stage, to hear your group of choice was the norm. The weather complied with the good attitudes, providing sparkling blue skies and comfortably warm temperatures. The clear skies was a blessing for the air show on the bay. Many years our normal fog pattern obscures any chance for the Blue Angels to perform their aerial acrobatics. Not this year, it was actually hot. For the extra million souls who descended on our fair city the weekend was satisfyingly spectacular. Since everyone was in such fine form and happy the inability to get anywhere without significant delays was a mute point. Thank goodness!
Following such an energy draining weekend, the next one was a combo plate. Remember at seventy going all day takes an inordinate amount of effort. But October marks special events in Raher history. My brother Casey's birthday begins the focus, albeit he handles activities from his end, and our involvement is nil. Our anniversary follows the next day. Then Ramsey's birthday concludes the three days of remembrance. Cassidy and Lauren treated us to dinner, celebrating our forty third wedding anniversary. We enjoyed casual and humorous conversation, which tends to be lacking in most family encounters, simply because the children demand so much attention. And rightly so. But it's always nice to ask questions and receive explanations without interruptions. I left pleased. Ramsey's simple birthday gathering was quite similar in the level of pleasure derived. Being with his son Rowan and basking in our blood linkage has a very life affirming element. Again the conversation over delicious pizza was easy, enlightening and needed. Lovely Reina educated me about ideas, I previously hadn't thought to delve into. For that I'm grateful. Of course being with family, sharing joy, absent of rancor, reinforces emotions and philosophies which guide our journey.
Although all of these events and encounters were rewarding, they were just a prelude to the onslaught yet to come. To clarify somewhat, all these heavy duty activities were semi spontaneous. Meaning they were sparked by a phone call, a time on a schedule or a notification. They weren't planned well in advance, so I couldn't dwell on the pros and cons, and incite my anxiety meter. Now the next couple months, populated with a string of holidays, raises the annual problems. Who, What, When, and Where. Yikes! Well maybe a cold eggnog will help!

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